06 Februari 2014


Azhar Aziz Lubis, S.Pd.
Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia
Tel: +62 81392472763 Email: azharfbs@gmail.com

Dedi Sanjaya, S.Pd
Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia
Tel: +60 173879215 Email: sanjayahasibuan@gmail.com

The objective of the paper was to find out solutions of the tourism problems in Indonesia especially in potential rural areas. The problems comprised inhabitants’ disabilities in English, system management of the places and language usage in promoting the sites. It was found that most of people at rural areas in Indonesia are not really care about the way in increasing the tourism. Even though our excursionists increased 8,8 percent from January to September 2013, it does not mean that the increasing implied in rural areas too (http://antaranews.com). The increasing number applied only in several famous cities such as Bali and Lombok. The main problem in fostering tourism in Indonesia is inhabitants’ disabilities in English. The method that applied in writing the paper started from the foreword which gave a brief explanation about problems of tourism in rural areas in Indonesia then its’ solutions and benefits in applying writer’s thought. Moreover, the writer also elaborates a tourism current situation in some places. Based on the review of the literature, it was suggested that tourism problems can be solved by strengthening the curriculum for students (KTSP) which based on its’ culture and creating cultural council in every province.   
Keywords: tourism, English, cultural council.      

Indonesia is an archipelago country which has 17.504 islands. Those beautiful islands consist of 9.634 unnamed and 7.870 named-islands (http://id.wikipedia.org). The 17.504 islands exist in the thirty three provinces all over Indonesia. Each island has its beauty and uniqueness to be enjoyed. In other words, Indonesia is one of the diamonds in the world. This paper will compare, contrast and analyze the inhabitants’ disabilities in English, system management of the places and language usage in promoting the sites. Afterwards, the writer would pose an applicable solution in developing tourism in Indonesia.
Based on the data of the United Nation Development Program (UNDP), Indonesian Human Development Index (IHDI) improved 1,3 percent per year. It was stated that the Human Development Index in year 2011 was at 0,624 and slightly improved to 0,629 in 2012 (http://tempo.com). Furthermore, the director of UNDP for Indonesia, Beate Trankman, stated that Indonesia still far from the average point of Human Development Index in developing countries. Trankman stated that mostly the Human Development Index in developing countries reached 0,640. While Indonesia gained only 0,629, the Asia pacific countries gained 0,683 for human development index. In other words, the human development index in Indonesia needs much more government attention. From the UNDP data about Human Development Index, we can infer that our education especially in reading interest is very weak. In 2012, Indonesia occupied in the 124th of 187 countries in the world for Human Development Index which focused on inhabitants’ basic needs, education, health and literacy (http://metro.kompasiana.com).
Even though the government of Indonesia has implemented the Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP), which is created based on Indonesian culture; it has not run well yet. It is because the curriculum needs much more revision especially in tourism and culture. This problem adversely affected to the inhabitants disabilities in English. Surprisingly, most students in primary and secondary school do not know well about their traditional dances, songs, foods and tourism areas. They love much more about other culture rather than theirs which considerably impact in their daily life. This situation impacts so much to their disabilities in exploring their culture which English is used as tool of communication.
On the other hand, Indonesia as an archipelago country faces a crucial problem in management the tourism sites and lack of facilities. In Lake Toba, North Sumatera for instance, the management of tourism sites and its’ facilities are quite miserable. Water pollution, illegal lodging and transportation are the most solicitous problem until now. Otherwise, the head of Tourism Promotion Department of North Sumatera, Arthur Batubara, stated that actually we already made a forum consisted of eleven district-officers to discuss deeply about a good management for Lake Toba (http://travel.kompas.com). Whereas, the constitution number 32 in 2004 allows the local governments to plan, implement and evaluate the utilization of natural and human resources in their areas in order to improve public welfare. Moreover, based on the government regulation number 50 in 2011 about the master plan of national tourism from 2010 to 2025, stated that national tourism comprised tourism destination, marketing, tourism industry and tourism board which is involved local government. We already have good regulations in maintaining our national tourism but unfortunately our human resources are not ready to implement it yet. It is because the government does not really concern more on how to revitalizes human resources by empowering the education, in this case empowering the curriculum.     
Yet, in 2003 World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) declared that the development of tourism needed three aspects; 1) a coherent partnership among stakeholders, 2) delivery of profitable tourism product commercially but still gives benefits to the stakeholders, and 3) focused on tourists, society, environment, social and culture. Theoretically, tourism divided into three; 1) Natural resources such as waterfall, lake, forest etc, 2) Man-made resources such as ancient buildings, masjid, museum, monument, etc, and 3) Human resources such as art performances, rituals, festival etc (Anoviar, 2012). From the theory above, it can be infer that Indonesia is a country which is rich in natural resources but not human resources. We have all the three parts of tourism which classified by the experts previously.
Unfortunately, there is a difference between Indonesia and five countries in Southeast Asian with respect to foreign exchange earnings. While five countries in Southeast Asia occupy a high number in foreign exchange earnings, Indonesia exists in the lowest rate. Thailand for instance, occupied the highest income from its’ international tourism in 2005. It is because the government of Thailand intensively gives more attention to their tourism.
The main crucial problem is about English language usage in promoting the tourism sites. It seems a simple problem but it has a great impact to the tourists. In 2007 the government of Indonesia, in this case the ministry of culture and tourism, launched official website of Indonesia at http://www.indonesia.travel. It was a government effort to promote Indonesia tourism sites massively to the world. Unfortunately, it was not ran optimally because 1) there is no interaction among visitors so that the communication runs passively, 2) there is no integration of information to the local government so that the potency of local tourism does not explored well and 3) there is no a dynamic information about tourism (Anoviar, 2012). From the data, it can be concluded that government efforts in fostering the tourism needs much more attention for human development particularly in English achievement.

Based on the review of literature, it can be stimulated that our national tourism need much more attention in order to improve public welfare. Indonesia with its’ islands, considerably has much more chance to take the opportunity than other countries in South East Asia. However, if the government focused only on natural resources and ignored its’ attention to human resources especially in education, the next generation of the country will lose its’ ability to maintaining the country. Students in primary and secondary school should be noticed much more than others. Developing national tourism means actualizing and synchronizing the potency of natural and human resources which can be applied by revitalization the curriculum (KTSP) and creating a controlling tourism board and culture.
Revitalization of curriculum (KTSP) by revising some aspects in it especially on culture and tourism sites is a smart solution. Perhaps, it will not impact directly to the public welfare nationally but it can be trusted that this planning will give positive feedback in the future. The government should concern more on how to make the inhabitants are able to communicate in English. We need to train and familiarize our society especially those who lived in tourism sites by English. Hopefully in the future, English is not only restricted as a subject in the class but also it is a tool of communication among people. Nowadays, the usage of English as a tool of communication spreads only in cities. Most of inhabitants in rural areas cannot communicate well in English even only to describe their house living. Therefore, empowering the curriculum (KTSP) by adding some aspects of tourism in it, is an applicable solution to solve the problem.
Surprisingly, based on writer’s observation on the internet, there is no more website that promotes Lake Toba which uses English except at http://www.indonesia.travel. It happened to the other tourism sites too such as Bali and Lombok. The details of the tourism websites will elaborate as follow:

Name of Tourism Place
Official Website / Information
Language Use
Lake Toba

If we pay attention to the website, we would find that English language is not optimally used. The official website seems has no attraction to grab the tourists. It appears from its English language usage which is very normative. Even it shows photos and description about tourism sites such as Lake Toba, it has no sense of language that simplifies people to remember about Lake Toba.       
Furthermore, the government should empower stakeholders and the society especially those who lived in the tourism rural areas to work together in order to foster our tourism and increase the foreign exchange earnings.
The last but not least, we can learn from other tourism areas in Indonesia which had created cultural council such as Bali. We already know that Bali is the most favorite tourism site to visit. It is not only caused of government supports but also a good human and natural resources. Learning from Bali in maintaining their tourism sites is a good experience. On the one hand, Bali as a tourism site had a reputable name which recognized internationally so that we do not have to think too much on how to foster its’ tourism anymore. On the other hand, we should think deeply on how to create other potential tourism sites in Indonesia to be similar as Bali. The writer believes by creating cultural council in every state especially those tourism sites, would impact positively to the culture and tourism of its area.
 However, our national tourism and culture need much more attention, not only from the government but also its society. Cultural council, in writer’s opinion, will impact positively especially in 1) protecting tourism sites, 2) to train inhabitants’ ability in speaking English, 3) promoting tourism sites, 4) empowering the society to make a better handicraft of its area and 5) loving the motherland. Hopefully, these recommendations would be able to familiarize significantly English as a tool of communication among people in Indonesia especially in rural areas. Because the writer believes that a good communication is an authorized capital to develop our national tourism in our beloved country Indonesia.
In conclusion, mastering English as a tool of communication is very important. In order to foster our national tourism sites overseas, our inhabitants should have a fair enough skill to communicate in English and should be familiar in our society. English should be familiarized in order to improve our national tourism sites.  

Anoviar, Alia Noor (2012), Implokasi Otonomi Daerah Terhadap Eksistensi Kepariwisataan Nasional Melalui Revitalisasi Produk Pariwisata Lokal Guna Mengoptimalkan Potensi SDM di Indonesia, Depok: Management Department of Universitas Indonesia. 
http://id.wikipedia.org. Accessed on December 4, 2013
Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia No. 50 Tahun 2011 tentang Rencana Induk Pembangunan Kepariwisataan Nasional Tahun 2010-2025.